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It is an understatement to say 2020 is a year that none of has ever seen in our lifetime. There have been many challenges for each and everyone of us throughout the year. COVID-19 is currently impacting all of our lives and will continue to impact our lives and levels of available service. There is no doubt some of these changes are and have been confusing at times, but at the end of the day we must listen to the orders issued to us from the Provincial Health Office.

We would like to ensure all of our residents that the Village Staff are in constant contact with the Health Authorities making sure we are complying to Dr. Henry’s Health order’s, as we decide how or if we can have our facilities open. These are not easy decisions, but ones the have to be made. We also realize that it is not the same in every community due to a multitude of factors, and Staff are doing everything they can to provide as many services as they are able to.

There has been consistent rumours on social media regarding the Aquatic facility being closed, specifically “it closed to save money, it’s closed because Council is considering permanently closing it, it’s closed because the office staff want it closed”.

Due to these rumors, Council wishes to make this statement so that there is no further rumors: the Aquatics Centre was closed in March of 2020 due to immediate closure instructions by the Province and Council has never had any discussions at this time regarding permanently closing the facility. The current closure is a result of the Public Health Orders issued in November and December 2020; staff have been evaluating options regarding services that can be provided that are in compliance with the orders issued by the Province.

We understand everyone is getting very tired and frustrated due to the limitations of access to activities we have all previously enjoyed. It’s been a long 10 months since this all started, and it’s going continue for a while yet. We are a strong, resilient community, and we are stronger when we work together.

Our Staff at the office are there to help you, if you have any questions please take time to contact them. Continue to check the Village website at for any updates.

Please take care of yourselves and your family,

Mayor and Council

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