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Notice of Public Hearing #1

Pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act RSBC 2015, the Council of the Village of Gold River gives notice it will hold a Public Hearing:

Date:               June 21, 2021

Time:              7:00 pm

Place:             via Zoom

To consider the proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 706.5, 2021.

The proposed bylaw is a text amendment to the Central Commercial Zone – C.1 by including retail cannabis or cannabis products as a permitted use. All persons who believe their interest in property may be affected by the proposed bylaw and wish to register an opinion may do so by:

  1. Appearing before Council at the said Public Hearing; and/or
  2. Forwarding written submissions for Council’s consideration, prior to 5:00 pm June 18, 2021, to Village of Gold River, PO Box 610, Gold River, V0P 1G0; Fax:  250-283-7500 or email:  .

The bylaw and other written information pertaining to this matter may be viewed at the Village of Gold River office located at 499 Muchalat Drive, Gold River, BC between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding statutory holidays, from June 11, 2021 to June 21, 2021.

Any inquiries should be referred to the Village of Gold River, Telephone: 250-283-2202, Fax: 250-283-7500 or .

Background for proposed Bylaws No. 706.5, 2021:

The zoning amendment is to add a permit use to the C.1 zone. The bulk of C.1 properties are located at the village core, bounded by Trumpeter Drive to the west, Muchalat Drive to the east, Nimpkish Drive to the south and Larch Place to the north. In addition, to this core there is a small lot on the west side of Trumpeter Drive (Telus) and a lot on the south side of Nimpkish Drive (Jack Christensen Centre) that are zoned C.1.

The proponent wishes Council to include a text amendment to the current Central Commercial Zone – C.1 to include retail cannabis or cannabis products. This would allow for a retail cannabis or cannabis product business to operate in the C.1 zone subject to obtaining provincial licensing for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) licence.

Even with the zoning change, a part of the provincial licencing process is that the local government provide a positive recommendation regarding the CRS licence application, without this recommendation no licence would be issued even if permitted under a zoning bylaw for the applicable zone.

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