Statement from Mayor and Council regarding the Village of Gold River Fire Department
On January 7th, after considerable discussion and debate, Mayor and Council passed a motion to conclude the appointment of the Fire Chief under the Fire Protection Bylaw No. 719, 2019.
Immediately after the implementation of the motion, Council and staff reached out to the BC Fire Commissioner for support. The BC Fire Commissioner arranged to attend the Village on January 9th to support the process of transition. The Village Council, Village staff, Gold River volunteer fire fighters, and the BC Fire Commissioner have been engaged in meaningful conversations over the weekend and will continue to do so until all outstanding matters are resolved. The BC Fire Commissioner has committed to engage the Gold River Volunteer Fire Department and the Village of Gold River to assist in working towards a collaborative resolution.
On behalf of Council, we thank the community for their patience and understanding as we address this matter. The Council of Gold River and the Village of Gold River Fire Department are committed to the safety of all residents and their property.