Bio Solids Plant
Gold River Bio-Solids Facility Breaks Ground
After several years, the Village of Gold River Bio-solids project is back on track. Since 2017, the project has been sitting dormant due to project management issues and funding shortfalls. During Councils 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, the bio-solids project was made a priority for the new administration to complete. With the success of securing funding that was believed to be lost, the project has moved forward with “ground breaking” happening on August 31st. The project is planned to be completed by the end of 2021.
Mayor Brad Unger was excited for the project to finally begin, stating, ” the first version of the project ballooned in cost to the point where it needed to be shelved. The new administration was challenged by this Council to bring the project to fruition within the prior budget. Staff have worked hard to realize Councils direction and things are going in the right direction. Council is pleased to be able to deliver a project of this importance to the residents of Gold River”.
Chief Administrative Officer Brad McRae was excited to begin to deliver on one of Councils big ticket items. “This project has been in the planning stages for the last several months. Once we were able to secure grant funding, staff pulled together and devoted a significant amount of time and resources to bring this project to the light. The project, once estimated at over $1.4 million dollars, now has a potential price tag of just over $800,000.00 and that was in big part to the strong working relationship with both McElhanney Engineering and Ridgeline Mechanical who both understood the Villages tight budgetary constraints”.
Brad McRae
Chief Administrative Officer
Village of Gold River