Regular Meetings

These meetings are scheduled official meetings of Council, where the majority of the business of the Village is conducted.  It is at these meetings where issues are discussed and debated, determinations are made, and direction is given to staff. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings to learn about how the Village is working for the community.  Public input to Council may take the form of a pre-approved delegation.

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole is comprised of the Mayor and all members of Council, but the meetings are not considered formal Council meetings. When Council meets as Committee of the Whole, no final decisions are made but rather recommendations can be made to Council that must be considered at a properly convened Council Meeting in order to be acted on or implemented. Committee meetings provide an opportunity for Mayor and Council to discuss issues less formally and in advance of actual decision making, and to workshop ideas and proposals before being advanced to Council meetings for formal approval. Recommendations from Committee of the Whole appear on the Council meeting agenda under the Reports of Committee section. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings.

In-Camera Meetings

Council and Committee meetings may be closed to the public under special circumstances depending on the subject matter under discussion.  Some of the topics which may be closed to the public may include those involving receipt of advice under solicitor-client privilege, property acquisition or disposition, law enforcement matters, personnel issues, litigation, and negotiations around new services if there are confidential matters involved. Learn more about how and when items are considered In-Camera items.

Special Council Meetings

These are previously unscheduled but official meetings of Council wherein the business of the corporation is conducted.  Special meetings are typically convened to address emergent topics and time sensitive issues, that either require immediate attention or have associated timelines that must be met that cannot be dealt with in the timing of regular open council meetings.  These meetings tend to focus on a singular issue and do not include provision for delegations unless the subject matter of the meeting requires it.  They are open to the public.