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Below are the links to view the agenda and minutes of Council meetings, and Council committee meetings. The Village is in the process of switching over to eScribe, an online meeting management software that enables staff, meeting participants, and the public to all easily view agendas and minutes. On eScribe there are navigation buttons on the top of the page that allows the user to view different months, and see the meetings in a list form (all, just the upcoming meetings, or just the previous meetings). The Village aims to have Council agendas posted by noon on the last business day before the weekend. Minutes are published after they are approved at the next Council meeting (usually within a few days). Documents can be accessed by clicking on “HTML” if you would like it to be a word document or “PDF” if you prefer the portable document format. If there are no links next to the meeting date that means that it is unpublished.


Current agendas and minutes hosted on eScribe:
Current Council Agendas and Minutes

Here is the link to agendas and minutes that took place prior to July 2022:
Council Agendas and Minutes (Prior to July 2022)


Current agendas and minutes:
Current Agenda and Minutes

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