Notice of Public Hearing #2
The Village of Gold River is considering the notice of application received from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store at 1b – 390 Muchalat Drive. Prior to providing comments and a recommendation, Council must gather the views of residents of the area if the location of the proposed store may affect nearby residents. Council will be holding a public hearing in respect of the application. Therefore, the Council of the Village of Gold River gives notice it will hold a Public Hearing:
Date: June 21, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: via Zoom
To gather the views of the residents regarding a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store application for 1b – 390 Muchalat Drive.
All persons who want to make their view regarding a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store at the proposed location known to Council may register an opinion by:
1. Appearing before Council at the said Public Hearing; and/or
2. Forwarding written submissions for Council’s consideration, prior to 5:00 pm June 18, 2021, to Village of Gold River, PO Box 610, Gold River, V0P 1G0; Fax: 250-283-7500 or email: .
The application pertaining to this matter may be viewed at the Village of Gold River office located at 499 Muchalat Drive, Gold River, BC between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding statutory holidays, from June 11, 2021 to June 21, 2021.
Any inquiries should be referred to the Village of Gold River, Telephone: 250-283-2202, Fax: 250-283-7500.
The Village has received a Notice of Application from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) for Green Gold Cannabis Company Ltd for a non-medical cannabis retail store license for a retail space located at 1b – 390 Muchalat Drive. The proposed location is in the Pacific Tide Mall and would have the entrance on the back side of the existing building.
Section 33(1) of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act prevents the LCRB from issuing a cannabis retail store license without a positive recommendation regarding the license application from the local government or Indigenous nation. The LCRB is requesting the Village consider the application and provide the branch with a written recommendation with respect to the application.
If the Village decides to consider a notice of application and provide comments and recommendations it must gather the views of the residents of the area if the location of the store my affect nearby residents. It is up to the local government to determine the area, relative to the licensee’s application, where resident’s views must be gathered. Administration is recommending that Council hold a public hearing to solicit the views of the residents of Gold River. Alternatively, Council could direct staff send out a written notice to the community of the proposed application and inviting feedback from residents, hold a referendum (this would be the costliest method), or use another method the local government considers appropriate.
As retail cannabis and cannabis products is not a permitted use for the property, the licensee has also submitted an application for a text amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to permit this use in the zone.